Stay Salty Y'all

 Sunday, September 29: Be Salty for Jesus!

Reflection for church while my back heals. 

Welcome everyone to another church on the beach. Fr. James is dealing with his back injury, and sent this reflection to read, so here it goes. 

I spent Thursday morning planning for the next two weeks, anticipating that I might need a medical procedure. As I did so, I marveled at how many amazing leaders we have within our church. I was focusing on the worship service, and leading worship on Sundays is a only portion of what we do as a church community, but it is an important part of what we do. It is where we gather together to reorient to God, to open our hearts to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and to listen for inspiration from Jesus.

How fitting that we gather on the beach today to hear Jesus remind us to be salty. Do we have it easier, here beside the sea? We can hardly help but be salty around here. I want to start with that, which is where Jesus lands his somewhat meandering message. 

He tells us: “Have salt in yourselves and be at peace with one another.”  That’s what he wants us to do. Have salt. Jesus invites us to have the spice, the unique flavor of who God calls you to be, and be at peace with others--let others have their spice, their unique flavor. 

The first part of the reading reminds us that back then as now, we spend way too much time getting in each other's way, unfortunately. Maybe it is from insecurity which is at its core doubting God's ultimate love for us. Hindering others, putting them down, or blocking their efforts to thrive is an expression of a lack of trust that God is up to something…and God is always up to something. We spend too much time comparing ourselves to one another, or worse, judging one another out-right. 

At the retreat I hosted for our upcoming Bishop’s election, Bishop Read warned those who were in the process against the sin of comparison. He encouraged them to be themselves, to share their unique gifts, and trust the Holy Spirit to work through the process. What great advice to potential bishops and to all of us. 

We are indeed fortunate to live in such a salty place. We have a rich history of characters on this island. People who wouldn’t fit in many places find a place here, which is how it is in the kingdom of God. There is room for all of us salty characters. We are created with our own purpose, and it is in honoring each of our gifts and by celebrating what makes us different, that we fulfill our purpose as the Body of Christ, which has many parts, many members, in one body. 

Thank you for being here, and finding your place in the Body of Christ, especially when I am not here. Your salty presence testimony to the Holy Spirit’s work through the whole church, the whole salty lot of us! Amen. 


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