Now and forever

Week after week, or perhaps in our daily prayers, we conclude our reading of the psalms by praying: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now, and will be forever. Amen.

Now, and forever. Amen.

What we call the past is only a memory and what we call future is only imagined. We cannot be either place. What we actually have is only now. And forever. Now and forever are two sides of the same reality. Living in the kingdom of God means being present to this time and space where we are. For this now, here in this space, we pray to be open to the movement of the Holy Spirit. Another now be fully present to your family, your friends, or even your work. We cannot live past or future, but only the Present now. Being present now means we are present in forever. Stepping a toe into the eternity of life Jesus has given us. In the glory of the Trinity, we have now, and forever. These ashes are a reminder of that.

Ash Wednesday, I wrote a poem in three parts: Morning, Noon, and Evening (for each of our services.) 

Now and Forever


Now the sun rises and we have today.
The open possibilities, omnipotent presence.
Thank God we are alive.
Up from dust: animated earth.
We step into the miracle of existence
And listen for our call, ready to say
Here I am Lord.


Now we reach the crest in our arc’s journey across the sky
Life deals us hurt and loss along the way
We fall and get up again.
We return, find shade, receive nourishment
At high noon, we step into the dusty street
We duel with temptation to stray from God’s call
Another path and possibility for our life dies
At this hour we find resolve, acceptance
We learn endurance.
Give us courage, Lord, to follow.


The sun sets; shadows creep from the horizon
Life is not ended, but light is waning
We may recount accomplishments,
We can’t help but lament failure
There is not going backward
So, we pass along wisdom, insight, love
We draw our people close by
With gratitude the day, hurts forgiven
Knowing we will rest, and hear God’s words:
Well done, good and faithful servant.


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