Praying in God's Good Creation

Originally published in the South Jetty Newspaper
Occasionally, I'll start reading a book, and before I can even get halfway through, I've already ordered copies I can share with others. This was the case when I started recently started reading Meditations with Meister Eckhart. One summer, about 20 years ago, I was working for the forestry industry, and I learned how to pray with God in nature. Not that it was completely new, but there, relatively alone, walking through the woods each day, and meditating next to a waterfall many afternoons, I found myself so blissfully swept up in God's presence that my life was forever changed.

The copies I bought, I will share with a with an Advent retreat group.  Each year we gather in the wilderness; it is a time for us to check in, be surrounded by nature, and play lots of music on the porch. I want to share the Eckhart book because he writes about the experience of God in nature, in creativity, and in friendship; he poetically articulates what our Advent retreat is about.

Meister Eckhart was a 13th Century Christian mystic who was declared a heretic in his time, and who has become since a must-read for students of the mystical life across many religions. I had read some of his writing, but this book reminded me of some of the Jewish, Sufi, and eastern mystics I've read who write about the loving, creative, experiential love-life with God. In their writings, they remember that God is our Creator, and created all things Good; yes, we tend to stray from that loving goodness, but God is always there and ready to welcome us in like a lover who is jealous for our attention.

When we surrender to God's love, our lives are transformed, our worldview is transformed. We begin to notice God's presence wherever we look, and we become co-workers with the Holy Spirit. God is creating this world Good before our eyes. It happens each morning and each moment we open ourselves to see the Way Jesus walked, and when we become conspirators (literally, to breathe together) with the Holy Spirit. As the days turn shorter, and we tip toward a new season, I invite you to join me in opening yourself to the beauty and goodness of God's creation, of which we are a part. Join with Meister Eckhart in becoming a co-creator with God, and take up the good holy work in this Good Creation we have been given.


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