What's so holy about this week?

What I do this Holy Week does not change the course
of what happened in the life of Jesus. 
What I do, or do not do will not alter the story
of those events from Palm Sunday to Easter Morn.

I make this annual offering
of simple participation, reflection, and remembering
so that my own story may be altered, 
as I follow Christ from cheering crowd to cheering crowd; 
through the inflation and deflation;
the exaltation to destruction;
from crying for God's salvation to slaying God in the name of safety. 

This Holy Week
will change me
and my life
and the way I see
the world. 

Easter will arrive no matter what I do. 
My experience of God's resurrection 
will be qualitatively different, 
if I am there, in my imagination,
when we crucify the Lord. 


  1. Found your site from a reading today in "Forward Day by Day" where the author, chuckle...that's you!
    talks about the door handles of this church as reminders of God's presence. Wanted to say thank you for your post...guess YOU are one of the angels bringing me" surprise" information today. As I learned (again) to look for from the Society of St John's site. Having church at home today, which is very unusual for me. Just occurred to me to have a conversation with you, as a priest-artist about some extraordinary work I have done. Needing affirmation. Patricia: lightfirephotographies@gmail.com May God magnify all your efforts for good; and return to you and yours blessings untold. Amen


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