
I haven't seen as much of Laura lately. She's taken on a second job. Actually, she just finished it! Her first half-Ironman Triathlon, but probably not her last, so I guess the "second job" continues. Ok, so it isn't technically a second job, but it takes an amazing amount of work to prepare to swim, bike, and run those distances. She competed in Galveston, and finished strong. It was amazing to witness her dedication to the training, and to marvel at the distances she would go in a day: "I'll be right back after I swim a mile and bike 20 miles."
"Ok, I'll be sitting on the sofa." ...Actually with all her training it was hard me to sit still. I started running more seriously again, and got inspired sign up to run a marathon in November. I've done two half-marathons in the past two years and I think I'm ready to step it up a bit. I'm not the only one Laura has inspired. She is already signing up other 70.3 triathletes, and a handful of our friends are planning to run the 13.1 or 26.2 with us in November. It's amazing how seeing others do something challenging can be just the thing to get us moving as well. I can only imagine how this will play out in Eli's life. Laura's already got him signed up for swim team. His first practice was yesterday, and I was right in the pool with him.

It's not just physical exercise, either. Hanging around with artists encourages me to create. Hanging around people engaged in the "inner journey" encourages me to do my own inner work. (Whether on a retreat or not.)  Like the plate spinner at the circus, I'm now trying to learn to keep several of those elements of my over-all health going at the same time, instead of just focusing on one for a while, then the other. I suppose the triathlon could be a good teacher in that regard.

I still have a lot to learn, and I'm thankful to have Laura helping me along. In her life as a triathlete, nurse, Eli'sMom (one word), and spouse, she challenges me in the best ways to become my fullest self. And now, I should get up from my desk or go swim or something.


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