Inner Journey

First of all, let me introduce a few new friends (in the above picture): Shelly, Adrian, and Taryn. I only met them on the first day of the Inner Journey Retreat retreat, and by the time I left a few days later, I thought of them as "my new camp friends." If you know me, or have read a handful of these blogs, you might pick up on how special that label is to me. I think the reason that it came to me to think of them as my new camp friends isn't just because we played music by a fire or went on a moonlit hike; it's because the welcome, care, and honesty I experienced were similar to what I experienced going to camp growing up. It was also, and perhaps most importantly about the spiritual depth we engaged in, exploring what makes us tick as humans, and how to engage more intentionally and purposefully in this journey of life. 

My mentor Pittman McGehee encouraged me to go in an email. I had written him about a book I was reading and part of  a recent dream. I learned a bit about the Inner Journey Retreat from Rachel Connerly, another mentor I trust and respect, so when Pittman encouraged me to go, I realized it was time. 

It as a gift to spend time with Rachel and Pittman, who took the lead on teaching, and I quickly connected with others who were also interested in engaging in an intentional life that of paying attention to our whole selves including the focus of our retreat: our shadows. I won't go into shadows, but you can see a visual in this lower left photo here...the Inner Journeyers are facing the sun, but they all know they have those shadows with them. They may even be talking about them as they hike!

The open space that was created for inner work led me to some places I couldn't have gotten to alone, having to do with my own vocation and calling in life. It launched me on a new journey and depth of my purpose in life that I am still working out, and the journey continues. It also put me back in touch with my spiritual practices and prayer life, and gave me a new community of companions to have along the way. 

If this resonates with you, please visit the Inner Journey Retreat website and follow your curiosity. It may be right for you, now or another time. 

Many thanks to Edwina Fleming for the photos from The Bishop's Ranch Summer 2014 IJR


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