just a quick dip

I like to play at remembering the spiritual nudges I have received along the way that led me into this priestly vocation. On a recent trip to San Marcos, during which new students were arriving at my alma mater and getting settled into dorms, I was reminded of how I ended up spending so much time at St. Mark's and involved with Canterbury. It was a simple invitation to come play music.

On that recent trip, I spent time with one of the new College Missioners for Texas State.  They are calling the ministry The Spring. How appropriate! I tried to convey to him just a drop of the importance of that river (the San Marcos) to my own spiritual life, to the life of University, and the life of the town. I looked Sam in they eyes and told him I learned about as much from the river as in classes; that it taught me about Baptism and about the Holy Spirit. I invited him to sit at the feet of that master for a while, and get to know the wisdom of the river. I actually got a little choked up. I can't fully convey that truth, he'll have to go learn that himself. (I did make sure he has access to a kayak.)

Sam is a college graduate, starting his adult life as a College Missioner in an amazing place. In ministry he and his colleagues will be faced with new and old challenges of building community and connecting folks with God. It was a familiar conversation in a lot of ways, and it's totally new at the same time. The invitation I received in 1995 from Susan Hanson pulled me into the community where I learned the deep connection between a natural spirituality and our Christian tradition. It nudged me along on my journey that I'm still walking.

Keep Sam and Bianca (the other Texas State Missioner) in your prayers, and all those who do campus ministry as they get started this month.

I prayed for them in a very special way. I left the meeting and went and jumped in the river for a quick dip. Amen.


  1. Well put, James. I'm honored to have been part of your story, and grateful that you are part of my life. - Susan


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