cold snap

If you're reading this from outside Texas (South Texas, even) this may seem a bit ridiculous, or just a bit late. Oh well.

The weather just cooled off here. I'm actually wearing long sleeves! The cool weather makes me want to sit around a camp fire and play music. Yesterday, when I was sweating just walking to my truck, I didn't want to sit around a camp fire and play music. That little temperature drop changed everything.

Last time I felt this cool (it's 66 degrees right now) was in July...I was not in Texas then, but in the Smokey Mountains of North Carolina. We were on vacation, and I spent  the mornings reading and writing on a screened in porch. I even sat next to a camp fire and played music.

The weather is right. It's shifted my attention. It makes me want to be creative. The world seems to be conspiring, like in the beginning when that wind blew across the face of the waters. I bet it was a cool breeze, dropping the temperature of the planet just enough for some good creativity to take place.


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