the end
Though I had heard the quote before, what really brought it to light for me was hearing a woman put the lines to music, and make it her own; then teach the song to a group of us as a "paperless" song, so that it became our own as well: "In my end is my beginning, in my beginning is my end; in my end is my beginning, in my beginning is my end." Those sung words, turned around, and repeated again and again come from T.S. Elliot's Four Quartets (Part II: East Coker) Now, they ring in my ear, sung from my heart at the many ends and beginnings of things. Things like a year, or a life. Today I will officiate a funeral for a woman I barely knew. To sit with a family, to instantly get to know them with no hope for small talk, but to jump right into questions like: "What story do I need to hear about your mother/wife/sister?" is an impossible balancing act. Seeking the path between a church-every-week-cradle-Episcopalian sitting in the rocking chair, the...