Thy Kingdom Come
originally published in the South Jetty Newspaper It feels a little early in the year to be talking about the coming reign of God. I tend to talk coming-of-Christ in Advent, the four weeks before Christmas. It's been very much on my mind though in our divided political climate. We are in a difficult situation (which has been growing for some time) leading to a breakdown in any communication. The most extreme voices benefit from the rift, because people tend to want to stop and watch a good fight (which helps sell advertising.) Following the way of Love that Christ taught probably won't make anyone rich because it is a way of sacrifice and self-giving. (With apologies to the ad department of the South Jetty.) I'm praying for God's reign to stir up our hearts to heal our collective wounds: When we pray the Lord's Prayer, in the traditional language version, we pray, "thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." The Lord's prayer...