
Showing posts from August, 2019

Thy Kingdom Come

originally published in the South Jetty Newspaper It feels a little early in the year to be talking about the coming reign of God. I tend to talk coming-of-Christ in Advent, the four weeks before Christmas. It's been very much on my mind though in our divided political climate. We are in a difficult situation (which has been growing for some time) leading to a breakdown in any communication. The most extreme voices benefit from the rift, because people tend to want to stop and watch a good fight (which helps sell advertising.) Following the way of Love that Christ taught probably won't make anyone rich because it is a way of sacrifice and self-giving. (With apologies to the ad department of the South Jetty.) I'm praying for God's reign to stir up our hearts to heal our collective wounds: When we pray the Lord's Prayer, in the traditional language version, we pray, "thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven." The Lord's prayer...

Safeguarding God's Children

Ugh. I just renewed my "Safeguarding God's Children" training. It has to be done every few years, and I dread it every time. I've been renewing for about twenty years now, ever since I was a youth minister at Christ Church Cathedral in Houston, and working with Camp Allen, and Camp Capers, each Episcopal Camps.  I always dread it, and I'm always glad it is part of our church life. Everyone who works with youth or children, and everyone who has access to our church building takes this course. It is so important because it teaches respectful boundaries with children, youth, and even adults. It also educates our leadership about what to look for to protect against abuse. Particularly child molestation.  The church is one of the few places where intergenerational learning still takes place. Several generations on a journey together: learning and teaching one another about the love of God, and passing down stories of how God has moved through our community. The ...

Walk in Love

Originally Published in the Port Aransas South Jetty Newspaper This summer, I am spending three weeks at our three Episcopal camps. I want to share a bit of what I'm teaching, and what we are learning together. I sought our stories from the Bible of people on their journey encountering God, and learning to walk in love. The stories that I recalled probably says as much about me and my theology as about the theme. Abraham, Sarah, and the Strangers (Genesis 18.1-15) In this bizarre story, strangers show visit Abraham and Sarah as they are camped in the wilderness in the shade of some famous oaks. Abraham, following Torah, rushes to prepare a meal for the strangers to show hospitality. Actually Sarah does a lot of that work; it turns out to be the God, or Angels of the Lord. By showing hospitality to strangers, Abraham and Sarah show kindness to God. St. Paul's Encounter with Christ (Acts 9. 1-19) This guy Saul had everything figured out: he knew he was right, and his...