The initial jump into the falls of the San Marcos River (1995) was exiting, disorienting, exhilarating, and refreshing. I mean the falls below Spring Lake, where the water comes around the old mill chute and falls creating some crazy currents, upwelling, eddies, etc. By the time I moved away from San Marcos in 2000, I knew just where to jump, how to float, drift, and go with the flow so that I could be calm and relaxed in those waters, even though it was always refreshing and exhilarating. The more I swam there, the more I payed attention to what the water was doing. I even appreciated the power and danger of those waters. I learned to respect the river. Laura and I recently went to swim in the San Marcos River, and I'm bit out of touch with some of the currents; I still remember the respect. Ben Nelson invited me to talk at the St. Mark's Lenten Lunch but first needed to check in with the river, and stop by the old church building where the campus-ministry-in-a-variety-...