Love one another
Originally published in the South Jetty Newspaper Tuesdays March 11-April 8; 6:00 Our Dinner Series for Lent will focus on "Love Incarnate" Love one another In God's glorious sense of humor, we will be learning about God's commandment against adultery on St. Valentine's Day weekend. I've been teaching a class on God's commandments this season using the introductory Ten Commandments known as the Decalogue as a guide and the adultery commandment happens to fall on that weekend. It has been a fascinating conversation as we look deeply into the meaning of each commandment and grow beyond our assumptions. There are little things like learning that the Sabbath Day is not Sunday, but Saturday. We also learned that taking the name of the Lord "for emptiness" or "in vain" is not all about cuss words, but about the responsibility of calling ourselves God's people, and behaving as such. In my case I call my self a Christian--calling myself ...