The Giving Island
The last time I read the Shel Silverstein book The Giving Tree it was to a group of young campers out at Mustang Island Family Camp ( for more info.) It is a beautiful story that reminds me of God's creative and abundant love. If you haven't read it, I recommend it. The giving tree is just that: she gives and gives supplying for the needs of the boy as he grows to be an old man. It's a story of grace. Homes for Displaced Marlins Celebration I've learned a lot about grace in the past two years. Our church recently dedicated a new stained glass window to the volunteers who came to our aid after the hurricane. It is symbolized by one hand reaching up from a turbulent sea, and many hands reaching down symbolizing those who reached out to us from nearby and far away. Although we are still on the journey toward our new normal after the storm, we have made amazing progress. I volunteered on the Mississippi Gulf Coast after Katrina, and on the East Texas Coast af...