oh twit

Twitter almost caused me to wreck my truck recently. I wasn't tweeting while driving. I was shocked while listening to the radio when I heard, " Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania and other schools traced these tweets [to their counties] and then they analyzed the language in the tweets to see if they were expressing anger, or love, or boredom. ... anger, hostility and aggression on Twitter is better able to predict patterns of heart disease than 10 other leading health indicators, including smoking, obesity and hypertension. " Yowza! The story went on to explain that it might not be the tweeters themselves, but people around them that originate the anger, stress, and thus the broken hearts. Priests used to have a good deal of influence in their communities; they were a source, among a few, of information and perspective on life. That's not true today. If you were at Trinity (or some church) Sunday, and you're reading this, then you will have had ...